The AFFORDABLE alternative to private equity greed.

Flavor Studio API

  • API Reference
  • Authentication
  • Projects
  • Recipes
  • Ingredients
  • Taste Tests
  • CRM Customers
  • CRM Settings
  • CRM Opportunities
  • CRM Contracts
  • CRM Activities
  • CRM Contacts
  • CRM Products
  • CRM Purchase Orders
  • Organizations
  • Countries
  • Errors

API Reference

Flavor Studio’s API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses JSON to indicate API errors. To authenticate it uses HTTP Basic Auth. We support cross-origin resource sharing, allowing you to interact securely with our API from a client-side web application (though you should never expose your private API key in any public website's client-side code). JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors.


You access the Flavor Studio API using API keys that represent the required credentials. Authenticate your organization when using the API by including your API public and API private keys in the request. You can generate API keys by enabling the API on the Settings tab of the Admin page in Flavor Studio. Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such GitHub, client-side code, and so forth. Since API Keys can be independently revoked, you have complete control of the lifecycle of your API credentials. Disabling the API from the Settings tab will permanently delete your API keys and render them unusable.

Flavor Studio generates a new public and private key pair each time that the API is enabled.

Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP Basic Auth. Provide your public API key as the Basic Auth username value and private API key as Basic Auth password value.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.


API section for projects.


Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
page integer optional Sets the page. Default: 1
step integer optional Defines how many results are listed for the current page. Default: 10, Max Value: 1000
order string optional Enum [project_uid, project_name, start_date, end_date, project_description, project_status, priority, volume_lbs, revenue, approved, approval_date, created, modified]
odirection string optional Sets the order direction, it can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default: desc
filter string optional Filter results by keyword.
datefilter date [YYYY-MM-DD] optional Filter results by date.
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: projects.
projects array Project details are listed here. Each project contains the overview data, stages, tasks, repository files and folders.
projects_total integer Returns of total number of projects based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Get Project

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the project unique id
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: projects.
section_uid integer Project ID
action string [get]
data array Project details are listed here.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]


API section for recipes.


Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
user string optional Defines the user's email address, for example
page integer optional Sets the page. Default: 1
step integer optional Defines how many results are listed for the current page. Default: 10, Max Value: 1000
order string optional Enum [unique_id, recipe_name, created, last_modified]
odirection string optional Sets the order direction, it can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default: desc
filter string optional Filter results by keyword.
datefilter date [YYYY-MM-DD] optional Filter results by date.
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: recipes.
recipes array Recipe details are listed here.
recipe_total integer Returns of total number of recipes based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
user_name string Returns a requested user's name.
user_email string Returns a requested user's email address.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Get Recipe

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the recipe Unique ID
region string optional Set the Composition rounding region. Can be "us" or "canada".
Default value is "us".
dv string optional Set a daily value calculation method. In case of "us" region the DV% values can be "adult", "children", "infant" or "pregnant-women". In case of "canada" region the DV% value can be "adult", "children" or "infant".
Default value is "adult";
quantities string optional Set the total quantity for composition calculation which can be "serving-size" or "100g-sample".
Default value is "serving-size";
values string optional Set the nutrient quantity rounding method which can be "unrounded", "rounded" or "rounded_restaurant".
Default value is "rounded";
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: recipes.
section_uid integer Recipe Unique ID
action string [get]
data array Recipe details are listed here.
region string Returns a requested region. ["us", "canada"]
dv string Returns a requested DV% value. ["adult", "children", "infant", "pregnant-women"]
quantities string Returns a requested quantity value. ["serving-size", "100g-sample"]
values string Returns a requested quantity value rounding method. ["unrounded", "rounded", "rounded_restaurant"]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Recipe

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
recipe_name string required Recipe Name
yield_cost object optional Yield/Cost
  serving_size string optional Serving size
  serving_weight_gram string optional Serving weight (g) - If this one is present servings_per_container can't be
  servings_per_container string optional Servings / Container - If this one is present serving_weight_gram can't be
procedure string optional Procedure
ingredient_statement object optional Ingredient statement
  english_statement string optional English statement
  french_statement string optional French statement
notes string optional Notes
ingredients object optional List of recipe ingredients
  ingredient_id string required Ingredient id
  unit string required Ingredient units (Your organizations active units)
  qty string required Ingredient quantity in recipe
  name string optionl Ingredients new name in recipe
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contacts
section_uid integer Newly created contact ID
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created contact data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]


API section for recipe ingredients.


Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
page integer optional Sets the page. Default: 1
step integer optional Defines how many results are listed for the current page. Default: 10, Max Value: 1000
order string optional Enum [name, ingredientcost_code, category_name, manufacturer, ingredientcost_cost, created]
odirection string optional Sets the order direction, it can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default: desc
filter string optional Filter results by keyword.
datefilter date [YYYY-MM-DD] optional Filter results by date.
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: ingredients.
ingredients array Ingredient details are listed here.
ingredients_total integer Returns of total number of ingredients based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Get Ingredient

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer[-]integer required Set the ingredient unique id
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: ingredients.
section_uid integer[-]integer Ingredient ID
action string [get]
data array Ingredient details are listed here.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Update Ingredient

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer[-]integer required Set the ingredient unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
ingredient string required Ingredient name
item_code string required Cost Code
cost float required $ Price
quantity float required Cost Quantity
unit string required Cost Unit. Enum [kg, g, mg, mcg, oz, lbs, l, ml, tsp, tbsp, fl_oz, cup, pt, qt, gal, each]
yield float required Yield percentage
fob_terms string required FOB terms. Enum ["Customer pickup", "Destination, freight prepaid", "Destination, freight collect", "Destination, freight collect and allowed", "Origin, freight prepaid", "Origin, freight collect", "Origin, freight prepaid and charged back", "Destination, freight prepaid and charged back"]
minimum_order_info string required Minimum Order Info
category string required Ingredient category
supplier string required Supplier
ingredient_statement string required Ingredient statement
canadian_ingredient_statement string required Ingredient statement (french)
density_weight float required Density weight
density_weight_unit string required Density weight unit [g, kg, mg, lbs, oz]
density_unit string required Density volume unit [ml, l, tsp, tbsp, fl_oz, cup, pt, qt, gal]
processing_aid integer required Processing Aid [0,1]
protein_digestibility integer required Protein Digestibility [0 - 1]
notes string required Notes
weight_g float required Weight (g). Default: 100
calories_kcal float required Calories (kcal)
total_fat_g float required Total fat (g)
saturated_fat_g float required Saturated fat (g)
trans_fatty_acid_g float required Trans fatty acid (g)
cholesterol_mg float required Cholesterol (mg)
sodium_mg float required Sodium (mg)
total_carbohydrate_g float required Total Carbohydrate (g)
dietary_fiber_g float required Dietary Fiber (g)
total_sugars_g float required Total sugars (g)
added_sugars_g float required Added sugars (g)
protein_g float required Protein (g)
water_g float required Water (g)
ash_g float required Ash (g)
vitamin_a_iu float required Vitamin A (IU)
vitamin_a_rae_mcg float required Vitamin A (RAE) (mcg)
thiamin_mg float required Thiamin/B1 (mg)
riboflavin_mg float required Riboflavin/B2 (mg)
niacin_mg float required Niacin/B3 (mg)
vitamin_b6_mg float required Vitamin B6 (mg)
vitamin_b12_mcg float required Vitamin B12 (mcg)
vitamin_c_mg float required Vitamin C (mg)
vitamin_d_iu float required Vitamin D (IU)
vitamin_d_mcg float required Vitamin D (mcg)
vitamin_e_mg float required Vitamin E (mg)
vitamin_k_mcg float required Vitamin K (mcg)
beta_carotene_mcg float required Beta-carotene (mcg)
biotin_mcg float required Biotin/B7 (mcg)
food_folate_mcg float required Food folate (mcg)
folate_mcg float required Folate/B9 (mcg)
folate_dfe_mcg float required Folate/B9 (DFE) (mcg)
pantothenic_acid_mg float required Pantothenic acid (mg)
retinol_mcg float required Retinol (mcg)
calcium_mg float required Calcium (mg)
chloride_mg float required Chloride (mg)
chromium_mcg float required Chromium (mcg)
copper_mg float required Copper (mg)
iron_mg float required Iron (mg)
magnesium_mg float required Magnesium (mg)
manganese_mg float required Manganese (mg)
molybdenum_mcg float required Molybdenum (mcg)
phosphorus_mg float required Phosphorus (mg)
potassium_mg float required Potassium (mg)
selenium_mcg float required Selenium (mcg)
zinc_mg float required Zinc (mg)
monounsaturated_g float required Monounsaturated (g)
polyunsaturated_g float required Polyunsaturated (g)
omega_3_g float required Omega-3 (g)
omega_6_g float required Omega-6 (g)
alcohol_ethyl_g float required Alcohol, ethyl (g)
alpha_carotene_mcg float required Alpha-carotene (mcg)
beta_cryptoxanthin_mcg float required Beta-cryptoxanthin (mcg)
caffeine_mg float required Caffeine (mg)
choline_mg float required Choline (mg)
fluoride_mg float required Fluoride (mg)
folic_acid_mcg float required Folic acid (mcg)
lutein_zeazanthin_mcg float required Lutein+zeazanthin (mcg)
lycopene_mcg float required Lycopene (mcg)
iodine_mcg float required Iodine (mcg)
sugar_alcohol_g float required Sugar Alcohol (g)
allergen_egg string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_peanuts string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_milk string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_wheat string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_soy string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_tree_nuts string required Enum [Yes, No, custom value]
allergen_fish string required Enum [Yes, No, custom value]
allergen_shellfish string required Enum [Yes, No, custom value]
allergen_mustard string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_sesame_seeds string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_sulfites string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_gluten string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_egg string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_peanuts string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_milk string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_wheat string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_soy string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_tree_nuts string required Enum [Yes, No, custom value]
maycontain_fish string required Enum [Yes, No, custom value]
maycontain_shellfish string required Enum [Yes, No, custom value]
maycontain_mustard string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_sesame_seeds string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_sulfites string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_gluten string required Enum [Yes, No]
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: ingredients.
section_uid integer[-]integer Updated ingredient ID
action string [update]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Updated ingredient data.
errors array Contains error messages.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Ingredient

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
ingredient string required Ingredient name
item_code string required Cost Code
cost float required $ Price
quantity float required Cost Quantity
unit string required Cost Unit. Enum [kg, g, mg, mcg, oz, lbs, l, ml, tsp, tbsp, fl_oz, cup, pt, qt, gal, each]
yield float required Yield percentage
fob_terms string required FOB terms. Enum ["Customer pickup", "Destination, freight prepaid", "Destination, freight collect", "Destination, freight collect and allowed", "Origin, freight prepaid", "Origin, freight collect", "Origin, freight prepaid and charged back", "Destination, freight prepaid and charged back"]
minimum_order_info string required Minimum Order Info
category string required Ingredient category
supplier string required Supplier
ingredient_statement string required Ingredient statement
canadian_ingredient_statement string required Ingredient statement (french)
density_weight float required Density weight
density_weight_unit string required Density weight unit [g, kg, mg, lbs, oz]
density_unit string required Density volume unit [ml, l, tsp, tbsp, fl_oz, cup, pt, qt, gal]
processing_aid integer required Processing Aid [0,1]
protein_digestibility integer required Protein Digestibility [0 - 1]
notes string required Notes
weight_g float required Weight (g). Default: 100
calories_kcal float required Calories (kcal)
total_fat_g float required Total fat (g)
saturated_fat_g float required Saturated fat (g)
trans_fatty_acid_g float required Trans fatty acid (g)
cholesterol_mg float required Cholesterol (mg)
sodium_mg float required Sodium (mg)
total_carbohydrate_g float required Total Carbohydrate (g)
dietary_fiber_g float required Dietary Fiber (g)
total_sugars_g float required Total sugars (g)
added_sugars_g float required Added sugars (g)
protein_g float required Protein (g)
water_g float required Water (g)
ash_g float required Ash (g)
vitamin_a_iu float required Vitamin A (IU)
vitamin_a_rae_mcg float required Vitamin A (RAE) (mcg)
thiamin_mg float required Thiamin/B1 (mg)
riboflavin_mg float required Riboflavin/B2 (mg)
niacin_mg float required Niacin/B3 (mg)
vitamin_b6_mg float required Vitamin B6 (mg)
vitamin_b12_mcg float required Vitamin B12 (mcg)
vitamin_c_mg float required Vitamin C (mg)
vitamin_d_iu float required Vitamin D (IU)
vitamin_d_mcg float required Vitamin D (mcg)
vitamin_e_mg float required Vitamin E (mg)
vitamin_k_mcg float required Vitamin K (mcg)
beta_carotene_mcg float required Beta-carotene (mcg)
biotin_mcg float required Biotin/B7 (mcg)
food_folate_mcg float required Food folate (mcg)
folate_mcg float required Folate/B9 (mcg)
folate_dfe_mcg float required Folate/B9 (DFE) (mcg)
pantothenic_acid_mg float required Pantothenic acid (mg)
retinol_mcg float required Retinol (mcg)
calcium_mg float required Calcium (mg)
chloride_mg float required Chloride (mg)
chromium_mcg float required Chromium (mcg)
copper_mg float required Copper (mg)
iron_mg float required Iron (mg)
magnesium_mg float required Magnesium (mg)
manganese_mg float required Manganese (mg)
molybdenum_mcg float required Molybdenum (mcg)
phosphorus_mg float required Phosphorus (mg)
potassium_mg float required Potassium (mg)
selenium_mcg float required Selenium (mcg)
zinc_mg float required Zinc (mg)
monounsaturated_g float required Monounsaturated (g)
polyunsaturated_g float required Polyunsaturated (g)
omega_3_g float required Omega-3 (g)
omega_6_g float required Omega-6 (g)
alcohol_ethyl_g float required Alcohol, ethyl (g)
alpha_carotene_mcg float required Alpha-carotene (mcg)
beta_cryptoxanthin_mcg float required Beta-cryptoxanthin (mcg)
caffeine_mg float required Caffeine (mg)
choline_mg float required Choline (mg)
fluoride_mg float required Fluoride (mg)
folic_acid_mcg float required Folic acid (mcg)
lutein_zeazanthin_mcg float required Lutein+zeazanthin (mcg)
lycopene_mcg float required Lycopene (mcg)
iodine_mcg float required Iodine (mcg)
sugar_alcohol_g float required Sugar Alcohol (g)
allergen_egg string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_peanuts string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_milk string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_wheat string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_soy string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_tree_nuts string required Enum [Yes, No, custom value]
allergen_fish string required Enum [Yes, No, custom value]
allergen_shellfish string required Enum [Yes, No, custom value]
allergen_mustard string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_sesame_seeds string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_sulfites string required Enum [Yes, No]
allergen_gluten string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_egg string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_peanuts string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_milk string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_wheat string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_soy string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_tree_nuts string required Enum [Yes, No, custom value]
maycontain_fish string required Enum [Yes, No, custom value]
maycontain_shellfish string required Enum [Yes, No, custom value]
maycontain_mustard string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_sesame_seeds string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_sulfites string required Enum [Yes, No]
maycontain_gluten string required Enum [Yes, No]
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: ingredients.
section_uid integer[-]integer Newly created ingredient ID
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created ingredient data.
errors array Contains error messages.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Taste Tests

API section for projects.


Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
user string optional Defines the user's email address, for example
page integer optional Sets the page. Default: 1
step integer optional Defines how many results are listed for the current page. Default: 10, Max Value: 1000
order string optional Enum [tastetest_uid, tastetest_status, tastetest_name, tastetest_date, tastetest_start_time, tastetest_end_time, tastetest_description, tastetest_location, created]
odirection string optional Sets the order direction, it can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default: desc
filter string optional Filter results by keyword.
datefilter date [YYYY-MM-DD] optional Filter results by date.
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: tastetests.
tastetests array Taste Test details are listed here.
tastetests_total integer Returns of total number of taste tests based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
user_name string Returns a requested user's name.
user_email string Returns a requested user's email address.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Get Taste Test

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the taste test unique id
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: tastetests.
section_uid integer Taste Test ID
action string [get]
data array Taste test details are listed here.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

CRM Customers

API section for CRM Customers.


Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
page integer optional Sets the page. Default: 1
step integer optional Defines how many results are listed for the current page. Default: 10, Max Value: 1000
order string optional Enum [id, account_name, customer_name, business_type, business_market_segment, contract_start_date, contract_end_date, created, modified]
odirection string optional Sets the order direction, it can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default: desc
filter string optional Filter results by keyword.
datefilter date [YYYY-MM-DD] optional Filter results by date.
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: customers.
customers array CRM customer details are listed here.
customers_total integer Returns of total number of CRM customers based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Get Customer

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the customer unique id
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: customers.
section_uid integer Customer ID
action string [get]
data array Customer details are listed here.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Customer

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
account_name string required Customer Name
business_type string optional Business Type (See CRM Settings)
business_market_segment string optional Business Market Segment (See CRM Settings)
customer_tier string optional Customer Tier [Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3]
fiscal_year string optional Fiscal Year
crm_type integer optional Customer Type [1 = Regular, 2 = Prospect]
address string optional Street
address_2 string optional Address Line 2
address_city string optional City
address_state string optional State
address_zip_code string optional Zip Code
address_country string optional Country
billing_address string optional Billing Street
billing_address_2 string optional Billing Address Line 2
billing_city string optional Billing City
billing_state string optional Billing State
billing_zip_code string optional Billing Zip Code
billing_country string optional Billing Country
shipping_address string optional Shipping Street
shipping_address_2 string optional Shipping Address Line 2
shipping_city string optional Shipping City
shipping_state string optional Shipping State
shipping_zip_code string optional Shipping Zip Code
shipping_country string optional Shipping Country
account_owner integer optional Customer Owner (See Organizations)
annual_sales integer optional Annual sales (LFY)
current_budget integer optional Budget Current FY
year_to_date_sales integer optional Year to date sales
year_to_date_volume integer optional Year to date volume
contract_start_date date [m-d-Y] optional Contract Start Date
contract_end_date date [m-d-Y] optional Contract End Date
notes string optional Notes
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: customers
section_uid integer Newly created customer ID
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created customer data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Update Customer

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the customer account unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
account_name string required Customer Name
business_type string optional Business Type (See CRM Settings)
business_market_segment string optional Business Market Segment (See CRM Settings)
customer_tier string optional Customer Tier [Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3]
fiscal_year string optional Fiscal Year
crm_type integer optional Customer Type [1 = Regular, 2 = Prospect]
address string optional Street
address_2 string optional Address Line 2
address_city string optional City
address_state string optional State
address_zip_code string optional Zip Code
address_country string optional Country
billing_address string optional Billing Street
billing_address_2 string optional Billing Address Line 2
billing_city string optional Billing City
billing_state string optional Billing State
billing_zip_code string optional Billing Zip Code
billing_country string optional Billing Country
shipping_address string optional Shipping Street
shipping_address_2 string optional Shipping Address Line 2
shipping_city string optional Shipping City
shipping_state string optional Shipping State
shipping_zip_code string optional Shipping Zip Code
shipping_country string optional Shipping Country
account_owner integer optional Customer Owner (See Organizations)
annual_sales integer optional Annual sales (LFY)
current_budget integer optional Budget Current FY
year_to_date_sales integer optional Year to date sales
year_to_date_volume integer optional Year to date volume
contract_start_date date [m-d-Y] optional Contract Start Date
contract_end_date date [m-d-Y] optional Contract End Date
notes string optional Notes
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: customers
section_uid integer Newly created customer ID
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created customer data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

CRM Settings

API section for CRM Settings.

Get Business Types

Lists all Business Types with it's Business Market Segments

Requires Authentication HTTP Request

Create Business Type

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
name string required Business type name
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: settings
business_type_id integer Newly created business type ID
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created business type data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Update Business Type

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the bussines type id. Supported values are integers and a special case when id is -1
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
original_name string required Business type original name before the updated new name.
name string required Business type new name
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: settings
business_type_id integer Updated business type ID
action string [update]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Update business type data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Delete Business Type

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the bussines type id. Supported values are integers and a special case when id is -1
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
name string required Business type name that's being deleted.
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: settings
business_type_id integer Deleted business type ID
action string [delete]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Empty array
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Biz Market Segment

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
name string required Business market segment name
parent_category string required Business type name
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: settings
business_market_segment_id integer Newly created business market segment ID
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created business market segment data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Update Biz Market Segment

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the bussines market segment id. Supported values are integers and a special case when id is -1
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
original_name string required Business market segment original name before the updated new name.
name string required Business market segment new name
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: settings
business_type_id integer Updated business market-segment ID
action string [update]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Update business market segment data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Delete Biz Market Segment

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the bussines market segment id. Supported values are integers and a special case when id is -1
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
name string required Business market segment name that's being deleted.
parent_category string required Business type name
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: settings
business_market_segment_id integer Deleted business market segment ID
action string [delete]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Empty array
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

CRM Opportunities

API section for CRM Opportunities.


Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
page integer optional Sets the page. Default: 1
step integer optional Defines how many results are listed for the current page. Default: 10, Max Value: 1000
order string optional Enum [id, opportunity_name, product, annualized_pounds, annualized_rev, stage, probability_of_sale, start_date, close_date, created, modified, crm_customer]
odirection string optional Sets the order direction, it can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default: desc
filter string optional Filter results by keyword.
datefilter date [YYYY-MM-DD] optional Filter results by date.
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: opportunities.
opportunities array CRM opportunity details are listed here.
opportunities_total integer Returns of total number of CRM opportunities based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Get Opportunity

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the opportunity unique id
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: opportunities.
section_uid integer Opportunity ID
action string [get]
data array Opportunity details are listed here.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Opportunity

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
opportunity_name string required Opportunity Name
opportunity_owner integer required Opportunity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
customer_id integer required Customer (See CRM Customers)
start_date date [m-d-Y] optional Opportunity Created Date
close_date date [m-d-Y] optional Opportunity Closed Date
expected_launch_date date [m-d-Y] optional Expected Launch Date
stage string optional Stage ['Initial Contact', 'R&D in Progress', 'Samples Sent', 'Culinary Presentation', 'In-Test with Customer', 'Approved', 'Pending PO', 'Closed-Win', 'On Hold', 'Lost', 'Canceled']
probability_of_sale string optional Probability of Sale ['5%', '25%', '50%', '75%', '90%', '100%']
ytg_pounds integer optional YTG Pounds
product_type string optional Product Type ['custom', 'stock']
product_uid integer optional Product (See CRM Products)
rd_required integer optional R&D Required [0=>'No', 1=>'Yes', 2=>'None']
annualized_pounds integer/float required Annual Pounds
price_per_pound integer/float required Estimated Price Per Pound
contract_price_per_pound integer/float optional Contract Price Per Pound
annualized_rev integer/float optional Annual Revenue (this is automatically calculated, but you can also enter your own number)
project_uid integer optional Connect a Project (See Projects)
description string optional Description
notes string optional Notes
lost_canceled_reason string optional Reason Lost/Canceled - Only fillable if "Stage" is ['Lost' or 'Canceled]
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: opportunities
section_uid integer Newly created opportunity ID
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created opportunity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Update Opportunity

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the opportunity unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
opportunity_name string required Opportunity Name
opportunity_owner integer required Opportunity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
customer_id integer required Customer (See CRM Customers)
start_date date [m-d-Y] optional Opportunity Created Date
close_date date [m-d-Y] optional Opportunity Closed Date
expected_launch_date date [m-d-Y] optional Expected Launch Date
stage string optional Stage ['Initial Contact', 'R&D in Progress', 'Samples Sent', 'Culinary Presentation', 'In-Test with Customer', 'Approved', 'Pending PO', 'Closed-Win', 'On Hold', 'Lost', 'Canceled']
probability_of_sale string optional Probability of Sale ['5%', '25%', '50%', '75%', '90%', '100%']
ytg_pounds integer optional YTG Pounds
product_type string optional Product Type ['custom', 'stock']
product_uid integer optional Product (See CRM Products)
rd_required integer optional R&D Required [0=>'No', 1=>'Yes', 2=>'None']
annualized_pounds integer/float required Annual Pounds
price_per_pound integer/float required Estimated Price Per Pound
contract_price_per_pound integer/float optional Contract Price Per Pound
annualized_rev integer/float optional Annual Revenue (this is automatically calculated, but you can also enter your own number)
project_uid integer optional Connect a Project (See Projects)
description string optional Description
lost_canceled_reason string optional Reason Lost/Canceled - Only fillable if "Stage" is ['Lost' or 'Canceled]
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: opportunities
section_uid integer Updated opportunity ID
action string [update]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Updated opportunity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

CRM Contracts

API section for CRM Contracts.

Contract Listing

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
page integer optional Sets the page. Default: 1
step integer optional Defines how many results are listed for the current page. Default: 10, Max Value: 1000
order string optional Enum [id, contract_name, account_type, product_type, product, annualized_pounds, annualized_rev, contract_start_date, contract_end_date, created, modified, crm_customer]
odirection string optional Sets the order direction, it can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default: desc
filter string optional Filter results by keyword.
datefilter date [YYYY-MM-DD] optional Filter results by date.
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: contracts.
contracts array CRM contract details are listed here.
contracts_total integer Returns of total number of CRM contracts based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Get Contract

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contract unique id
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: contracts.
section_uid integer Contract ID
action string [get]
data array Contract details are listed here.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Contract

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
contract_name string required Contract Name
opportunity_id integer required Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
contract_owner integer required Contract Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
customer_id integer required Customer (See CRM Customers)
customer_tier string optional Customer Tier [Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3]
contract_start_date date [m-d-Y] optional Opportunity Created Date
contract_end_date date [m-d-Y] optional Contract Start Date
expected_launch_date date [m-d-Y] optional Contract End Date
product_type string optional Product Type ['custom', 'stock']
product_uid integer optional Product (See CRM Products)
rd_required integer optional R&D Required [0=>'No', 1=>'Yes', 2=>'None']
annualized_pounds integer/float required Annual Pounds
price_per_pound integer/float required Price Per Pound
annualized_rev integer/float optional Annual Revenue (this is automatically calculated, but you can also enter your own number)
description string optional Description
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contracts
section_uid integer Newly created contract ID
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created contract data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Update Contract

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contract unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
contract_name string required Contract Name
opportunity_id integer required Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
contract_owner integer required Contract Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
customer_id integer required Customer (See CRM Customers)
customer_tier string optional Customer Tier [Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3]
contract_start_date date [m-d-Y] optional Opportunity Created Date
contract_end_date date [m-d-Y] optional Contract Start Date
expected_launch_date date [m-d-Y] optional Contract End Date
product_type string optional Product Type ['custom', 'stock']
product_uid integer optional Product (See CRM Products)
rd_required integer optional R&D Required [0=>'No', 1=>'Yes', 2=>'None']
annualized_pounds integer/float required Annual Pounds
price_per_pound integer/float required Price Per Pound
annualized_rev integer/float optional Annual Revenue (this is automatically calculated, but you can also enter your own number)
description string optional Description
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contracts
section_uid integer Updated contract ID
action string [update]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Updated contract data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

CRM Activities

API section for CRM Activities.


Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
page integer optional Sets the page. Default: 1
step integer optional Defines how many results are listed for the current page. Default: 10, Max Value: 1000
order string optional Enum [id, activity_type, activity_date, created, modified]
odirection string optional Sets the order direction, it can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default: desc
filter string optional Filter results by keyword.
datefilter date [YYYY-MM-DD] optional Filter results by date.
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: activities.
activities array CRM activity details are listed here.
activities_total integer Returns of total number of CRM activities based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Get Activity

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the activity unique id
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: activities.
section_uid integer Activity ID
action string [get]
data array Activity details are listed here.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Customer Email

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the customer account unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Email message
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: customer
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: email
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Customer Phone Call

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the customer account unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Phone call purpose
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: customer
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: phone-call
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Customer Meeting

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the customer account unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Meeting purpose
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: customer
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: meeting
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Customer Task

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the customer account unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Task purpose
task_user_id integer optional Task Assigned to user (See Organizations->Get Users)
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
completed boolean optional Task completed [true, false]
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: customer
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: task
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Customer Misc

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the customer account unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Misc purpose
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: customer
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: misc
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Customer Sample Request

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the customer account unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
requested_by_id integer required Requested by user (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer required Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
delivery_date date [m-d-Y] required Sample Request Delivery Date
recipient string required Recipient type [contact, salesperson, pickup]
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
Allowed when recipient [contact, pickup]
contact_user_id integer optional User id (See Organizations->Get Users)
Allowed when recipient [salesperson, pickup]
contact_email string optional Contact Email (Specify email other than the contacts email)
contact_street string optional Contact Street (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Street)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_address2 string optional Contact Address Line 2 (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Address Line 2)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_city string optional Contact City (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact City)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_state string optional Contact State/Province (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact State/Province)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_zip_code string optional Contact Zip Code (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Zip Code)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_country string optional Contact Country (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Country)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
(See Countries)
notes string optional Notes
product_samples object optional List of product samples
  product_id string required Product id
  name string optionl Products new name in sample
  unit string required Product units in sample(Your organizations active units)
  qty string required Product quantity in sample
  size string required Product size (Number of units)
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: customer
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: sample-request
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Customer Price Request

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the customer account unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
requested_by_id integer required Requested by user (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer required Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
needed_date date [m-d-Y] required Price Request Date Needed
annualized_pounds integer/float required Annual Pounds
price_per_pound integer/float required Estimated Price Per Pound
freight string required Freight [FOB, Delivered]
notes string optional Notes
product_samples object optional List of product samples
  product_id string required Product id
  name string optionl Products new name in sample
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: customer
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: price-request
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Opportunity Email

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the opportunity unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Email message
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: opportunity
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: email
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Opportunity Phone Call

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the opportunity unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Phone call purpose
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: opportunity
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: phone-call
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Opportunity Meeting

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the opportunity unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Meeting purpose
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: opportunity
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: meeting
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Opportunity Task

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the opportunity unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Task purpose
task_user_id integer optional Task Assigned to user (See Organizations->Get Users)
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
completed boolean optional Task completed [true, false]
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: opportunity
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: task
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Opportunity Misc

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the opportunity unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Misc purpose
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: opportunity
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: misc
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Opportunity Sample Request

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the opportunity unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
requested_by_id integer required Requested by user (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer required Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
delivery_date date [m-d-Y] required Sample Request Delivery Date
recipient string required Recipient type [contact, salesperson, pickup]
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
Allowed when recipient [contact, pickup]
contact_user_id integer optional User id (See Organizations->Get Users)
Allowed when recipient [salesperson, pickup]
contact_email string optional Contact Email (Specify email other than the contacts email)
contact_street string optional Contact Street (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Street)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_address2 string optional Contact Address Line 2 (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Address Line 2)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_city string optional Contact City (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact City)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_state string optional Contact State/Province (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact State/Province)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_zip_code string optional Contact Zip Code (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Zip Code)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_country string optional Contact Country (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Country)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
(See Countries)
notes string optional Notes
product_samples object optional List of product samples
  product_id string required Product id
  name string optionl Products new name in sample
  unit string required Product units in sample(Your organizations active units)
  qty string required Product quantity in sample
  size string required Product size (Number of units)
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: opportunity
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: sample-request
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Opportunity Price Request

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the opportunity unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
requested_by_id integer required Requested by user (See Organizations->Get Users)
needed_date date [m-d-Y] required Price Request Date Needed
annualized_pounds integer/float required Annual Pounds
price_per_pound integer/float required Estimated Price Per Pound
freight string required Freight [FOB, Delivered]
notes string optional Notes
product_samples object optional List of product samples
  product_id string required Product id
  name string optionl Products new name in sample
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: opportunity
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: price-request
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contract Email

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contract unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Email message
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contract
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: email
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contract Phone Call

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contract unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Phone call purpose
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contract
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: phone-call
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contract Meeting

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contract unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Meeting purpose
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contract
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: meeting
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contract Task

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contract unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Task purpose
task_user_id integer optional Task Assigned to user (See Organizations->Get Users)
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
completed boolean optional Task completed [true, false]
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: customer
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: task
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contract Misc

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contract unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Misc purpose
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contract
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: misc
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contract Sample Request

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contract unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
requested_by_id integer required Requested by user (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer required Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
delivery_date date [m-d-Y] required Sample Request Delivery Date
recipient string required Recipient type [contact, salesperson, pickup]
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
Allowed when recipient [contact, pickup]
contact_user_id integer optional User id (See Organizations->Get Users)
Allowed when recipient [salesperson, pickup]
contact_email string optional Contact Email (Specify email other than the contacts email)
contact_street string optional Contact Street (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Street)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_address2 string optional Contact Address Line 2 (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Address Line 2)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_city string optional Contact City (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact City)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_state string optional Contact State/Province (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact State/Province)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_zip_code string optional Contact Zip Code (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Zip Code)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_country string optional Contact Country (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Country)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
(See Countries)
notes string optional Notes
product_samples object optional List of product samples
  product_id string required Product id
  name string optionl Products new name in sample
  unit string required Product units in sample(Your organizations active units)
  qty string required Product quantity in sample
  size string required Product size (Number of units)
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contract
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: sample-request
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contract Price Request

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contract unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
requested_by_id integer required Requested by user (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer required Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
needed_date date [m-d-Y] required Price Request Date Needed
annualized_pounds integer/float required Annual Pounds
price_per_pound integer/float required Estimated Price Per Pound
freight string required Freight [FOB, Delivered]
notes string optional Notes
product_samples object optional List of product samples
  product_id string required Product id
  name string optionl Products new name in sample
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contract
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: price-request
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Product Email

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the product unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Email message
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: product
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: email
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Product Phone Call

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the product unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Phone call purpose
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: product
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: phone-call
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Product Meeting

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the product unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Meeting purpose
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: product
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: meeting
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Product Task

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the product unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Task purpose
task_user_id integer optional Task Assigned to user (See Organizations->Get Users)
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
completed boolean optional Task completed [true, false]
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: product
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: task
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Product Misc

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the product unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Misc purpose
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
contact_name string optional Contact Name
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: product
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: misc
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Product Sample Request

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the product unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
requested_by_id integer required Requested by user (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer required Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
delivery_date date [m-d-Y] required Sample Request Delivery Date
recipient string required Recipient type [contact, salesperson, pickup]
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
Allowed when recipient [contact, pickup]
contact_user_id integer optional User id (See Organizations->Get Users)
Allowed when recipient [salesperson, pickup]
contact_email string optional Contact Email (Specify email other than the contacts email)
contact_street string optional Contact Street (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Street)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_address2 string optional Contact Address Line 2 (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Address Line 2)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_city string optional Contact City (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact City)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_state string optional Contact State/Province (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact State/Province)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_zip_code string optional Contact Zip Code (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Zip Code)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_country string optional Contact Country (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Country)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
(See Countries)
notes string optional Notes
product_samples object optional List of product samples
  product_id string required Product id
  name string optionl Products new name in sample
  unit string required Product units in sample(Your organizations active units)
  qty string required Product quantity in sample
  size string required Product size (Number of units)
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: product
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: sample-request
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Product Price Request

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the product unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
requested_by_id integer required Requested by user (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer required Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
needed_date date [m-d-Y] required Price Request Date Needed
annualized_pounds integer/float required Annual Pounds
price_per_pound integer/float required Estimated Price Per Pound
freight string required Freight [FOB, Delivered]
notes string optional Notes
product_samples object optional List of product samples
  product_id string required Product id
  name string optionl Products new name in sample
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: product
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: price-request
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contact Email

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contact unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Email message
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contact
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: email
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contact Phone Call

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contact unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Phone call purpose
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contact
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: phone-call
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contact Meeting

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contact unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Meeting purpose
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contact
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: meeting
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contact Task

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contact unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Task purpose
task_user_id integer optional Task Assigned to user (See Organizations->Get Users)
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
completed boolean optional Task completed [true, false]
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contact
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: task
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contact Misc

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contact unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
message string required Misc purpose
activity_date date [m-d-Y] required Activity Created Date
activity_owner_id integer required Activity Owner (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer optional Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
reminder_date date [m-d-Y] optional Activity Reminder Date
notes string optional Notes
next_steps string optional Next Steps
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contact
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: misc
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contact Sample Request

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contact unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
requested_by_id integer required Requested by user (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer required Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
delivery_date date [m-d-Y] required Sample Request Delivery Date
recipient string required Recipient type [contact, salesperson, pickup]
contact_id integer optional Contact belonging to Customer (See CRM Contacts)
Allowed when recipient [contact, pickup]
contact_user_id integer optional User id (See Organizations->Get Users)
Allowed when recipient [salesperson, pickup]
contact_email string optional Contact Email (Specify email other than the contacts email)
contact_street string optional Contact Street (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Street)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_address2 string optional Contact Address Line 2 (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Address Line 2)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_city string optional Contact City (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact City)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_state string optional Contact State/Province (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact State/Province)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_zip_code string optional Contact Zip Code (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Zip Code)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
contact_country string optional Contact Country (Enter value if contact doesnt have a Contact Country)
Allowed when recipient [contact, salesperson]
(See Countries)
notes string optional Notes
product_samples object optional List of product samples
  product_id string required Product id
  name string optionl Products new name in sample
  unit string required Product units in sample(Your organizations active units)
  qty string required Product quantity in sample
  size string required Product size (Number of units)
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contact
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: sample-request
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Activity - Contact Price Request

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contact unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
requested_by_id integer required Requested by user (See Organizations->Get Users)
opportunity_id integer required Opportunity (See CRM Opportunities)
needed_date date [m-d-Y] required Price Request Date Needed
annualized_pounds integer/float required Annual Pounds
price_per_pound integer/float required Estimated Price Per Pound
freight string required Freight [FOB, Delivered]
notes string optional Notes
product_samples object optional List of product samples
  product_id string required Product id
  name string optionl Products new name in sample
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contact
section_name string Returns a requested section name: activities
section_uid integer Newly created activity ID
type string Returns a requested activity type: price-request
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created activity data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

CRM Contacts

API section for CRM Contacts.


Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
page integer optional Sets the page. Default: 1
step integer optional Defines how many results are listed for the current page. Default: 10, Max Value: 1000
order string optional Enum [id, contact_name, created, modified, crm_customer, crm_contract]
odirection string optional Sets the order direction, it can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default: desc
filter string optional Filter results by keyword.
datefilter date [YYYY-MM-DD] optional Filter results by date.
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: contacts.
contacts array CRM contact details are listed here.
contacts_total integer Returns of total number of CRM contacts based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Get Contact

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contact unique id
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: contacts.
section_uid integer Contact ID
action string [get]
data array Contact details are listed here.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Contact

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
account_uid integer required Customer (See CRM Customers)
contact_first_name string optional First Name
contact_middle_name string optional Middle Name
contact_last_name string optional Last Name
contact_phone string optional Phone (Starts with calling number folowed by a space "+1 123456")
contact_phone_ext string optional Phone Ext.
contact_mobile string optional Mobile (Starts with calling number folowed by a space "+1 123456")
contact_fax string optional Fax (Starts with calling number folowed by a space "+1 123456")
contact_email string optional Email
contact_title string optional Title
contact_address string optional Street (Empty when "Address Source is one of ['billing','corporate','shipping']")
contact_address2 string optional Address Line 2 (Empty when "Address Source is one of ['billing','corporate','shipping']")
contact_city string optional City (Empty when "Address Source is one of ['billing','corporate','shipping']")
contact_state string optional State/Province (Empty when "Address Source is one of ['billing','corporate','shipping']")
contact_zip_code string optional Zip Code (Empty when "Address Source is one of ['billing','corporate','shipping']")
contact_country string optional Country (See Countries) (Empty when "Address Source is one of ['billing','corporate','shipping']")
contact_secondary_address_title string optional Secondary address title
contact_secondary_address string optional Street (secondary)
contact_secondary_address2 string optional Address Line 2 (secondary)
contact_secondary_city string optional City (secondary)
contact_secondary_state string optional State/Province (secondary)
contact_secondary_zip_code string optional Zip Code(secondary)
contact_secondary_country string optional Country (secondary) (See Countries)
contact_reports_to string optional Reports To
contact_bday_month string optional Birthday Month ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December']
contact_bday_day int optional Birthday Day
address_source string optional Address Source ['new','billing','corporate','shipping']
contact_type string optional Contact Type
contact_end_user string optional End User
other_vendors string optional Other Vendors / Competitors
notes string optional Notes
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contacts
section_uid integer Newly created contact ID
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created contact data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Update Contact

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contact unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
account_uid integer required Customer (See CRM Customers)
contact_first_name string optional First Name
contact_middle_name string optional Middle Name
contact_last_name string optional Last Name
contact_phone string optional Phone (Starts with calling number folowed by a space "+1 123456")
contact_phone_ext string optional Phone Ext.
contact_mobile string optional Mobile (Starts with calling number folowed by a space "+1 123456")
contact_fax string optional Fax (Starts with calling number folowed by a space "+1 123456")
contact_email string optional Email
contact_title string optional Title
contact_address string optional Street (Empty when "Address Source is one of ['billing','corporate','shipping']")
contact_address2 string optional Address Line 2 (Empty when "Address Source is one of ['billing','corporate','shipping']")
contact_city string optional City (Empty when "Address Source is one of ['billing','corporate','shipping']")
contact_state string optional State/Province (Empty when "Address Source is one of ['billing','corporate','shipping']")
contact_zip_code string optional Zip Code (Empty when "Address Source is one of ['billing','corporate','shipping']")
contact_country string optional Country (See Countries) (Empty when "Address Source is one of ['billing','corporate','shipping']")
contact_secondary_address_title string optional Secondary address title
contact_secondary_address string optional Street (secondary)
contact_secondary_address2 string optional Address Line 2 (secondary)
contact_secondary_city string optional City (secondary)
contact_secondary_state string optional State/Province (secondary)
contact_secondary_zip_code string optional Zip Code(secondary)
contact_secondary_country string optional Country (secondary) (See Countries)
contact_reports_to string optional Reports To
contact_bday_month string optional Birthday Month ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December']
contact_bday_day int optional Birthday Day
address_source string optional Address Source ['new','billing','corporate','shipping']
contact_type string optional Contact Type
contact_end_user string optional End User
other_vendors string optional Other Vendors / Competitors
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: contacts
section_uid integer Updated contact ID
action string [update]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Updated contact data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

CRM Products

API section for CRM Products.

Product Listing

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
page integer optional Sets the page. Default: 1
step integer optional Defines how many results are listed for the current page. Default: 10, Max Value: 1000
order string optional Enum [id, item_code, product_name, product_type, discontinued, created, modified]
odirection string optional Sets the order direction, it can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default: desc
filter string optional Filter results by keyword.
datefilter date [YYYY-MM-DD] optional Filter results by date.
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: products.
products array CRM product details are listed here.
contracts_total integer Returns of total number of CRM products based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Get Product

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the contract unique id
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: products.
section_uid integer Product ID
action string [get]
data array Product details are listed here.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Create Product

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
product_name string required Product Name
item_code string required Item Code
product_type string required Product Type ['Made to Order', 'Made to Stock']
product_brand string optional Brand
size string optional Size
unit string optional Unit [lb, oz, fl oz]
count integer optional Pack Count
description string optional Description
certifications string optional Certifications array of multiple values ['Organic', 'Non GMO', 'Vegan', 'Kosher', 'Kosher for Passover', 'Gluten Free', 'Halal', 'Bioengineered', 'FID Sheet']
discontinued integer optional Discontinued [0, 1]
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: products
section_uid integer Newly created product ID
action string [create]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Newly created product data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Update Product

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the product unique id
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
product_name string required Product Name
item_code string required Item Code
product_type string required Product Type ['Made to Order', 'Made to Stock']
product_brand string optional Brand
size string optional Size
unit string optional Unit [lb, oz, fl oz]
count integer optional Pack Count
description string optional Description
certifications string optional Certifications array of multiple values ['Organic', 'Non GMO', 'Vegan', 'Kosher', 'Kosher for Passover', 'Gluten Free', 'Halal', 'Bioengineered', 'FID Sheet']
discontinued integer optional Discontinued [0, 1]
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm
sub_section string Returns a requested section: products
section_uid integer Updated product ID
action string [update]
success boolean [true, false]
data array Updated product data
errors array Contains error messages
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

CRM Purchase Orders

API section for CRM Purchase Orders.


Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
page integer optional Sets the page. Default: 1
step integer optional Defines how many results are listed for the current page. Default: 10, Max Value: 1000
order string optional Enum [id, purchase_order_number, created, modified, crm_customer_uid, crm_customer]
odirection string optional Sets the order direction, it can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default: desc
filter string optional Filter results by keyword.
datefilter date [YYYY-MM-DD] optional Filter results by date.
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: purchase-orders.
purchase-orders array CRM purchase order details are listed here.
purchase-orders_total integer Returns of total number of CRM purchaseorders based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Get Purchase Order

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Status Description
id integer required Set the Purchase Order unique id
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: crm.
sub_section string Returns a requested CRM sub-section: purchase-orders.
section_uid integer Purchase Order ID
action string [get]
data array Purchase Order details are listed here.
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]


API section for Organizations.

Get Users

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: organization.
sub_section string Returns a requested organization sub-section: users.
organization_users array Organization users are listed here.
organization_users_total integer Returns of total number of users based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]

Get Groups

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: organization.
sub_section string Returns a requested organization sub-section: groups.
organization_groups array Organization groups are listed here.
organization_groups_total integer Returns of total number of groups based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]


API section for Countries.

Get Countries

Requires Authentication HTTP Request
JSON Response
Parameter Type Description
section string Returns a requested section: countries.
countries array Available countries are listed here.
countries_total integer Returns of total number of countries based on filters.
page integer Returns a requested page.
step integer Returns a requested step.
filter string Returns a requested filter keyword.
datefilter string Returns a requested date. Returns empty value or date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
order string Returns a requested order field.
odirection string Returns a requested order direction. [asc, desc]
api_version integer Returns a requested api version. [1, 2]


If an error exists, Flavor Studio’s API returns JSON with error codes and a message. If there is no Basic Auth username or password it will redirect the request to the Flavor Studio login page. In any other error cases it will return JSON data with the following details.

JSON Response
Error Code Message Description
invalid_request Invalid request. You get invalid request code in case that the call is made over plain HTTP.
invalid_type Invalid type. Type is not defined in the url or invalid type defined.
invalid_section Invalid section. Section is not defined in the url or invalid section name is defined.
invalid_api_key Invalid API key. This code represents invalid API keys or that the API is disabled.
invalid_email Email address required.
Invalid email address.
This code represents invalid or empty email address.
invalid_user Invalid user. This error occurs when the user can't be found in the organization.
invalid_id Project not found!
Recipe not found!
Ingredient not found!
Taste Test not found!
This error occurs when the data can't be found within the organization based on the ID and section.